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Use the Fedora Media Writer to create the USB disk. This will ensure UEFI support and uncorrupted media.

On Fedora 31+:

sudo dnf install mediawriter

On Windows

On MacOS


  • Disable TPM and secure boot


  • Boot the Live environment and select Insatall to Hard Drive when the desktop loads
  • Select Language; hit continue
  • Select correct Timezone if it is not correct; hit continue
  • Continue to "Installaton Destination" (Partitioning)


This part can be tricky. But the basics are as follows:

On your OS Drive

  • Create 50MiB /boot/uefi (EFI System Partition)

  • Create 1GiB /boot (ext4)

  • Create a swapfile at least as big as your ram (so if you have 8GiB of RAM, create a 8GiB swap partition)

  • Give the rest of all available space to / (ext4)

If you have a second drive, create an LVM2 disk (ext4) for /home

The paritioning screen is not the most intuitive, but here is what we want to do:

  1. Select all drives except your USB/CD/DVD installation media.
  2. For "Storage Configuration", select "Custom"
  3. Click Done in the upper left of the screen.

Now for each partition:

  1. Click the "+" Icon in the lower left.
  2. Select the mount point (swap or /home, etc from above)
  3. Enter the capacity (100MiB for 100 Megabytes, 1GiB for 1 Gigabyte, or 1TiB, etc). Leave this blank to assign all space to the disk.

Now after you created them, you need to setup each partition.

  1. Click on the partion you need to edit/verify.
  2. Verify that the mount point, capacity are correct.
  3. For partitions that are not intended to be LVM2, select the "Device Type" of "Standard Partition". If you are new to linux or unaware of why you would make a parition/disk LVM2, I would only do / and only /home if you have a separate drive or are looking to have filesystem growth/expansion down the road. Snapshotting is an option via LVM2 as well, but will require another pool of the same or greater volume to the source filesystem that is being snapshotted. Any LVM2 pool can be grown and shrunk if one sets up the disk to use ext4. XFS can only grow. The latter is why I advise ext4, as experts will ignore that and use what they deem best, and ext4 is the most flexible.
  4. Validate from above that the filesystem is correct (ext4 on all things except your efi which must be fat32)
  5. For disks that are new or have old data you are not looking to carry over (old install for example), tick the "Reformat" box.
  6. Set the label to something useful. Personally I prefer "OS_MOUNTPOINT" scheme, so the /boot/efi partition would be called "OS_EFI". Click on the button "update Settings" to save the changes.

Go back over things and triple check that they are correct.

Click Done.


Click "Begin Installation"

After the process is complete, click "Finish Installation"

In the upper right click on the power icon, and select "Power Off/Log Out" and then "Power Off", then "Restart".